Monday, February 9, 2015

Don't Hanky Panky in the Devil's Backyard

Pastor JJ: Good Morning all you fine Baptists. Isn't a great day to be a Baptist Haymen?
Crowd: Haaaaaaaymeeen. (30 Seconds of good ole shouts)
Pastor JJ: On February 6, two thousand and one, a legend in the Baptist faith passed on to be with the Lord. A man who was the greatest soul winner of all time. Everyone knows who I am talking about here. Good ole Jack Hyles. I am declaring that every year on the 6th is Jack Hyles day haaaaaymen!
Crowd: Haaaaaaaymeeeen Glowray. (2 minutes of shouting)
Pastor JJ: We all know that Jack never did the Hanky Panky in the Devil's Backyard haaaaaymen!  If you are a Baptist this morning, you better not be doing the Hanky Panky in the Devil's Backyard Glowray!!!
Crowd: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyymmmmmmmmmmmmmen.
Pastor JJ: Brother John and I come up with a great idea last week. We are going to increase our door knocking ministry. We are going to add on a 3rd shift for the night owls who are in the Devil's backyard haaaymen! We will start around 11 pm and finish around 6 am. Glowray!
Crowd: Haaaaaaymeeeen (for 19 seconds)
Pastor JJ: I am proud to be a Baptist this morning. For those who are not a Baptist, you are doing the Hanky Panky in the Devil's backyard. The Devil doesn't mind that you read the NIV in his backyard. As a matter of fact, he will give you a platform. Not only will he give you a platform, he will buy you a new polo shirt, tell you to wear a goatee, and a new NIV bible haaaaaymen. The NIV is the Never Inspired Version hayyymen. You ever hear of the NLT? That is the New Lucifer Translation haaaaymen. You hear about the ESV? The ESV is called the Evil Satanic Version haaaymen. Don't shout me down because I am telling you the truth haaaaaaaayyyyymen!!!!!
Crowd: Haaaaaymen! (40 seconds worth of shouts)
Pastor JJ: Did you notice something? The Devil bought him a new polo! The Devil will never buy you a new suit haymen. There are many churches that are ran by the Devil himself. I am here to tell you right now that this old Church is ran by the 1611 KJV Bible haaaaymen!!!!
Crowd: Haaaaaaaayyyyymen!!!
Pastor JJ: You notice why you men only shout? Because you got your wives to shut their mouths and keep silent like the word says to do haaaymen. They can shout on the inside but cannot on the outside. But I want to tell you a secret. I will wrap this message up with this: You and your wife are one! The women shouts on the inside and you men shout on the outside. So in essance, she is shouting with you because she is you! But, notice it is you, the man, shouting! You are the carrier out the shout and you are the leader hayyyymen!!! Now your the boss applesauce.
Crowd: They just go nuts

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